A. Benson AB © 2024 All Rights Reserved.


Anna was born in 1983 in Småland and became an entrepreneur at the age of 18. She is a serial entrepreneur and runs several companies. Further back she was a table tennis pro in France and Germany and also a Swedish champion, but today she mainly works as a designer, artist and writer. Anna has written ten books so far. She also designs products signed by her own brand “by Benson” that is a worldwide selling company.


Up to now she has started seven companies, one is by Benson but also including Smålandsgran which she founded together with her younger brother. It’s the leading business of e-commerce in Sweden regarding Christmas trees. During Christmas she frequently appears in media talking about Christmas trees and how to care for them. She has been an expert in the field of Christmas trees and strawberries from when she was a young girl born and raised at the farm in Småland. She is also part-owner of Benzer Publishing, a publishing house which, among other, gives out the book EATSweden.


Besides her entrepreneurial work she is a popular speaker and a prominent fighter against cancer. Her engagement started when she fell in love with a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer and later on passed away due to the disease. The despair Anna felt, not being able to help her partner, converted into willpower. She is ambassador for The Pink Ribbon and The Prostate Association, has founded and hosted sixty episodes of the podcast Cancerpodden and written Rosa and Blå kokboken I and II (all four elected “The world’s best cookbook”). Anna has raised approximately four million SEK for cancer research through her campaigns.



A. Benson AB © 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Books / Design


Anna’s passion is to be creative. Whether it’s a new business, a canvas, in ceramics or creating new Christmas items. To create is her therapy. She has assignments with different clients for her design such as Markslöjd, By Benson, Posh Living, Designtorget, Gerbera, Smålandsgran and else. See the design.


Anna is a rewarded and successful author, releasing her 10th book in a short future. Four times she received the award as the best cookbook in the world at World Gourmand Awards in China among 35 000 cookbooks. She was also rewarded as the author of the year in Sweden. See all the books.


Årets sista Doctable By Benson…

Fick feeling i helgen… Var en magisk höstdag. Och kunde inte låta bli mina fantastiska brädor som har fått torka i solen medan jag har varit i Barcelona. Resulterade i årets sista Doctable By Benson. Nu blir det nog (man vet aldrig) inga fler bord förrän till våren. Har ingen köpare på detta. Men ska […]


Jag har blivit något form av flottansvarig i Ragnabo och nu var det dags… Något kallt I have to say. Men magiskt. Flottansvarig låter mer flott än vad det är. Tack flotten för att vi fick ha dig ute till havs i sommar. How I love this place.

Barcelona – my dream

Ibland nyper jag mig i armen. De dagar jag mår riktigt bra och kan uppskatta och njuta. Då tror jag knappt det är sant att jag har ett hem i Barcelona, min drömstad. Och kan sitta där under ”korkeken” och dofta på mina ”blommor” hur mycket jag bara vill. Det är magiskt. Och min drömlägenhet […]


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